The platform for on-line trainings - get trained in the latest technologies at your convenience.
Are You a professional looking for live hands-on trainings ?
Take a look at our Eure!Car training offer.
Technical Corner
Visit our knowledge database with a.o. fitting instructions, technical notes and common failures.
technical bulletin
Download our technical bulletin - the up-to-date insight in automotive technology and innovation.

About Eure!car
Eure!Car is a program by Autodistribution International, with headquarters in Kortenberg, Belgium. The Eure!Car program contains a comprehensive series of high-quality technical trainings for professional repairers - live and on-line, organised by the national AD organizations and their parts distributors in almost 48 countries.
Find your local AD distributor here or select your training courses.
Eure!Car = practical knowledge for hands-on professionals.
After a theoretical introduction (20% of training time), highly skilled trainers guide the trainees through a series of practical exercises (80% of training time) on a dedicated and specially prepared training car. Each training car is equipped with a failure simulator allowing the teacher to program common failures related to all vehicle functions (comfort, safety, engine management, …).
Today’s mechanics face a permanent challenge: keeping pace with increasing technology in an ever-growing and heterogeneous car park. To guarantee state-of-the-art technical content, Eure!Car has joined forces with Grup Eina Digital (ES), provider of technical content and services with more than 15 years of experience. Through its technical hotline service in various European countries, Grup Eina Digital has permanent eyes and ears on the market.
As technology moves on, the media for spreading knowledge are changing rapidly too.
The Eure!Car Campus is a valuable on-line complement to the live-trainings.
EureTechBlog is a digital interactive beacon for automotive technology. Weekly posts with recurring technical and/or mechanical failures - and how to solve them ! - are quickly and efficiently accessible 24/7.
EureTechBlog is an open beacon for technical support to automotive professionals. It is a complement to the EureCar training program.